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A number of people have asked us why it seems that this spring and summer have proven to be a tough market for buyers. Many people have had a difficult time finding desirable homes, as sellers have not flooded the market like they have in the past. What is it that's keeping people from selling? We think it's three things:
1. Sellers don't know that inventory is low. They feel like if they put their home on the market, there is a number of other sellers who are out there, and that it will be difficult to sell or tough to get the price they want. This couldn't be further from the truth: low interest rates and buyer demand have brought prices up significantly.
2. Sellers think that there is a difficult credit and lending requirement. In truth, credit score requirements have loosened up a bit since the end of the recession, making it easier for buyers to come into the marketplace. There are a whole lot of people entering the marketplace right now who either weren't eligible or weren't interested in buying in the last fives years.
3. There is no more foreclosure or bank-owned inventory. This segment of the market has dried up, which means sellers don't have to compete with low-end pricing.
The only thing sellers are lacking is information! And that's why we're here: we want to give you the best possible advice and guide you through the selling process if that's what you're ready to do. If you're not sure, give us a call or shoot us an email, We'd be happy to talk about your specific situation!